I just find it interesting that the site used to grade other websites cannot get a 99 to 100 rating! All they need to do is enter their name into the search box and then follow the suggestions that follow. While they have a 95 rating that still is no excuse why they cannot make a good example. They do not have a twitter account or thier own blog are the first two things that come to mind. Both are good ways of cheap yet relevant and productive methods for marketing. This site has been around for 3 years 11 months and 1 week.. according to the infomation page after grading their site. You would think within that time someone involved in the marketing of the site would have followed through with this and covered thier bases. They also only have three images listed on the site. Images are good to have on sites as well. I do approve of the site design and usability, but I agree with thier rating suggestions as well. These are simple yet effective suggestions to help build thier success on the web!
You caught 'em! There may be reason why they chose not to include certain items, and chief among these might revolve around this dictum: do things for the target market and not necessary for the Google bots.